A one mama's daily reflections on her crazy life and occasional joyful moments with four adorable girls, one nice papa, and three fluffy cats...

Sunday, May 29, 2011

New baby bjorn bouncer, new camera, new baby....

Hello, my name is Sasha, or as my mama calls me tiny monkey number four. This blog is going to be all about me, my fashionable outfits and, of course, my three older sisters -Nicole, Valerie and Elizabeth, respectfully monkeys number one, two, and three.  Ohh, and my fluffy cats. Here is Dasha right here:

After my sisters came back from the playground, Elizabeth hanged out with me, even accessorized me with Sofie the Giraffe, while Valerie was lounging on the sofa, surrounded by folded laundry.


Finally my turn for the bathtime, and while I am fully awake, my parents are really hoping to get some sleep. Silly adults-the night is still young!

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