A one mama's daily reflections on her crazy life and occasional joyful moments with four adorable girls, one nice papa, and three fluffy cats...

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Sasha and Dasha and cow outfits...

Dasha is a very cool cat. Pretty smart too. She dislikes other cats, is very attached to mama, and tries to keep a safe distance from the girls.  And she happily accepted Sasha into our big family! Yesterday Sasha realized that Dasha is a pretty cool toy too.  You can actually grab her when she walks by and get a handful of funny orange hair. And little fashionista Sasha loved her outfits with cows too! The first one has a spotted footsie and a cow hat, and the other has coordinated onesie with little cow and pants with cow faces on the footsies. The toy cow is an old time favorite toy from our friend Ania who gave it to us days after Nicole was born, which makes this cow over 9 years old!

Love the smile on last picture and serious one on this one. By the way, if you click on the image, the new window pops up and you can click on the image again to see the picture in FULL size! :)

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